Unlocking College Admissions

The Unlocking College Admissions Blog
The posts below contain excerpts from Unlocking College Admissions: Your Step-By-Step Workbook For Finding The Right College And Getting In.
The book will be available for pre-order soon!
This workbook is an invaluable guide that walks you through every step of the college process. Packed with essential information, it provides the tools needed to navigate the journey with confidence and ease.
-Judy Bass, Certified Educational Planner & Founder of Bass Educational Services LLC
Matt's step-by-step guide really helps to break down the increasingly complex world of college admissions. Whether you are new to the process or you are looking to understand how the process has evolved, this is a great resource!
-Evan Weinberger, Founder of Staying Ahead of the Game LLC & Co-Founder of Illuminos LLC